The GROWINPRO Policy Package for Unleashing Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the European Union Giovanni Dosi Andrea Roventini Tania Treibich policy brief 4/2022
Author Archive | Giovanni Dosi, Andrea Roventini and Tania Treibich
Macroeconomic policy for a rapid and orderly transition
Macroeconomic policy for a rapid and orderly transition Claudia Wieners Francesco Lamperti Roberto Buizza Giovanni Dosi Andrea Roventini working paper 21/2022
Patents and emergencies: lessons (not) learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic
Patents and emergencies: lessons (not) learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic Giovanni Dosi Andrea Roventini Caterina Sganga policy brief 3/2022
The GROWINPRO Policy Package for Unleashing Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the European Union
In this policy brief, we present the insights and policy solutions stemming from the research carried out during the three year of the Horizon 2020 GROWINPRO project. The main goals of the project are to provide a detailed analysis of the causes of the anemic growth performance observed in Europe during the last decades and […]
Specialize or diversify? And in What? Trade composition, quality of specialization and persistent growth
This paper, using a long-term, product-level cross-country dataset, analyzes the trade-growth nexus by introducing two novel indicators able to capture demand and supply attributes of countries’ quality of specialization. The Keynesian efficiency index measures demand attractiveness of the export baskets, estimating product-level demand elasticities and weighting them by diversification; the Schumpeterian efficiency index tracks the […]
Firm responses to the pandemic crisis: sticky capabilites and widespread restructuring
This paper is meant to address the status of the Italian productive system in the wake of the most severe crisis economies are facing since WWII. In order to accomplish the latter task we rely on the combination of two high quality level dataset informing about so called firm behavioural traits: the first, the IMCPI […]
Do patents really foster innovation in the pharmaceutical sector? Results from an evolutionary, agent-based model
The role of the patent system in the pharmaceutical sector is highly debated also due to its strong public health implications. In this paper we develop an evolutionary, agent-based model of the pharmaceutical industry to explore the impact of different configurations of the patent system upon innovation and competition. The model is able to replicate […]
Big pharma and monopoly capitalism: A long-term view
Are IPRs institutions meant to foster innovative activities or conversely to secure appropriation and profitability? Taking stock of a long-term empirical evidence on the pharmaceutical sector in the US, we can hardly support IPRs intended as an innovation rewarding institution. According to our analysis, pharma patents have constituted legal barriers to protect intellectual monopolies rather […]
- Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (SSSA)
- Bundesanstalt Statistik Oesterreich (STATA)
- Centraal Bureau Voor de Statistiek (CBS)
- Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN)
- Universiteit Maastricht (MERIT)
- Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (SCIENCES PO)
- University College London (UCL)
- Univerza V Ljubljani (UL)
- Universitaet Bielefeld (UNIBI)
- Tartu Ulikool (UTARTU)
- Osterreichisches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung Verein (WIFO)
- Zentrum fuer Europaeische Wirtschaftsforschung Gmbh (ZEW)
- Lunaria
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