Federico Riccio, Lorenzo Cresti and Maria Enrica Virgillito

Author Archive | Federico Riccio, Lorenzo Cresti and Maria Enrica Virgillito


The labour share along global value chains. Perspectives and evidence from sectoral interdependence

This article proposes a novel framework to investigate how globalisation affects workers’ share of value added. We explore functional income distribution by looking at industrial interdependence and thus identifying GVCs as the unit of analysis; we then track inputs composition and their labour share evolution along the value chains. First, we find widespread heterogeneous patterns […]

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Specialize or diversify? And in What? Trade composition, quality of specialization and persistent growth

This paper, using a long-term, product-level cross-country dataset, analyzes the trade-growth nexus by introducing two novel indicators able to capture demand and supply attributes of countries’ quality of specialization. The Keynesian efficiency index measures demand attractiveness of the export baskets, estimating product-level demand elasticities and weighting them by diversification; the Schumpeterian efficiency index tracks the […]

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Varieties of deindustrialization and patterns of diversification: why microchips are not potato chips

Contrarilytothenotionofanaturaltendencyofdeindustrialization,thispaper,documentingtheex- istence of a variety of patterns of deindustrialization, performs a cross-country, long-term analysis. Looking at industrial sectors and their technological characteristics, categorised on the ground of the Pavitt (1984) taxonomy, we do find a markedly uneven process of deindustrialization with Science Based and Specialised Suppliers not presenting any inverted U-shaped pattern, neither in employment […]

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