Armanda Cetrulo, Angela Sbardella and Maria Enrica Virgillito

Author Archive | Armanda Cetrulo, Angela Sbardella and Maria Enrica Virgillito


Vanishing social classes? Facts and figures of the Italian labour market

This paper analyses medium-term labour market trends from 1983 to 2018 in Italy relying on the “Rilevazione dei contratti di lavoro” from INPS archive which provides information on average salaries by professional category, age, gender, and geographical origin. Within an overall pattern of exacerbated inequalities, documented by means of different indicators, the empirical analysis highlights […]

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Non-Standard Work and Innovation: Evidence from European Industries

Following a market-oriented approach, policies aimed at increasing labour flexibility by weakening employment protection institutions should enable firms to efficiently allocate resources, improve their capability to compete on international markets and adjust to economic cycle. This work documents the rise of non-standard (i.e. temporary and part-time) work in five European countries (Germany, France, Italy, the […]

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Industry 4.0: revolution or hype? Reassessing recent technological trends and their impact on labour

The aim of this paper is to reassess the current view of current technological trends adopting an historical perspective on previous industrial revolution.  In our interpretation, the historical record provides some suggestive evidence for a more sceptical view of the notion of an emerging “fourth” industrial revolution. Indeed, even at an impressionistic glance, the recent […]

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Anatomy of the Italian occupational structure: concentrated power and distributed knowledge

Which type of work do Italians perform? In this contribution we aim at detecting the anatomy of the Italian occupational structure by taking stock of a micro-level dataset registering the task content, the execution of procedures, the knowledge embedded in the work itself, called ICP (Indagine Campionaria sulle Professioni), the latter being comparable to the […]

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