This paper examines the uneven impact of the Great Recession on firm-level employment growth across firm size and age classes. Based on firm-level data from ten Eurozone countries, we show that, notwithstanding the negative impact of the crisis, young firms were the most dynamic group of firms and prime contributors to net job creation even […]
Author Archive | Andrea Mina and Pietro Santoleri
The causal effects of R&D grants: evidence from a regression discontinuity
Direct public support for business R&D is a well-established remedy to market failures, yet empirical evidence on its eectiveness yields con icting results. The paper investigates the impact of the rst European public R&D grant program targeting small and medium enterprises (i.e. the SME Instrument) on a wide range of rm outcomes. We leverage the […]
Innovation and job creation in (high-growth) new firms
Recent research has underscored the prominent role played by a small fraction of fast-growing new firms in contributing to aggregate net employment growth. While it is typically assumed that those firms experience this superior performance thanks to their ability in undertaking technolog- ical innovation, few empirical studies have explicitly addressed this issue. This article examines […]
- Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (SSSA)
- Bundesanstalt Statistik Oesterreich (STATA)
- Centraal Bureau Voor de Statistiek (CBS)
- Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN)
- Universiteit Maastricht (MERIT)
- Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (SCIENCES PO)
- University College London (UCL)
- Univerza V Ljubljani (UL)
- Universitaet Bielefeld (UNIBI)
- Tartu Ulikool (UTARTU)
- Osterreichisches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung Verein (WIFO)
- Zentrum fuer Europaeische Wirtschaftsforschung Gmbh (ZEW)
- Lunaria
Mission Oriented Innovation Network
Civil Society Organisations