Yannick Bormans, Jozef Konings and Angelos Theodorakopoulos

Author Archive | Yannick Bormans, Jozef Konings and Angelos Theodorakopoulos


Productivity Dispersion, Wage Dispersion and Superstar Firms

This paper examines links between evolutions in productivity dispersion, wage dispersion, and superstar firms. Using a rich sample of firms in 14 EU countries from 2000-2016, we confirm increases in all three variables—albeit with a moderating effect for wage and productivity dispersion in recent years. Beyond documenting an incomplete pass-through from productivity into wages, we […]

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Wage Inequality and Establishment Heterogeneity

We analyze wage dispersion within and across establishments in Korea between 2007 and 2013. We find that foreign owned establishments and those operating in global markets have higher within- establishment wage dispersion. The effect is over and above the establishment size effect. Further- more, wages are higher in larger establishments and internationally oriented ones. Our […]

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