Jelena Reljic, Armanda Cetrulo, Valeria Cirillo and Andrea Coveri

Author Archive | Jelena Reljic, Armanda Cetrulo, Valeria Cirillo and Andrea Coveri


Non-Standard Work and Innovation: Evidence from European Industries

Following a market-oriented approach, policies aimed at increasing labour flexibility by weakening employment protection institutions should enable firms to efficiently allocate resources, improve their capability to compete on international markets and adjust to economic cycle. This work documents the rise of non-standard (i.e. temporary and part-time) work in five European countries (Germany, France, Italy, the […]

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Workers’ intervention authority in Italian 4.0 factories: autonomy and discretion

The present contribution aims at investigating the relationship between the introduction of Industry 4.0 technological innovations and the ensuing implications for workers’ skills composition, their empowerment, and their authority of intervention in the work process, within three Italian firms exhibiting a wide range of organisational practices: from Japanese Toyotism, to a mix of Taylorism and […]

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Digitalization, routineness and employment: An exploration on Italian task-based data

This work measures the digital and routine content of professions directly from occupational surveys. It then empirically analyses the relation between the digitalization of professions and changes in employment levels, and whether routine and non-routine occupations are equally affected. We define the digitalization of occupations in 796 5-digit ISCO professional groups, using data from a […]

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