Federico Riccio, Lorenzo Cresti and Maria Enrica Virgillito

Author Archive | Federico Riccio, Lorenzo Cresti and Maria Enrica Virgillito


The labour share along global value chains. Perspectives and evidence from sectoral interdependence

This article proposes a novel framework to investigate how globalisation affects workers’ share of value added. We explore functional income distribution by looking at industrial interdependence and thus identifying GVCs as the unit of analysis; we then track inputs composition and their labour share evolution along the value chains. First, we find widespread heterogeneous patterns […]

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Specialize or diversify? And in What? Trade composition, quality of specialization and persistent growth

This paper, using a long-term, product-level cross-country dataset, analyzes the trade-growth nexus by introducing two novel indicators able to capture demand and supply attributes of countries’ quality of specialization. The Keynesian efficiency index measures demand attractiveness of the export baskets, estimating product-level demand elasticities and weighting them by diversification; the Schumpeterian efficiency index tracks the […]

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Firm responses to the pandemic crisis: sticky capabilites and widespread restructuring

This paper is meant to address the status of the Italian productive system in the wake of the most severe crisis economies are facing since WWII. In order to accomplish the latter task we rely on the combination of two high quality level dataset informing about so called firm behavioural traits: the first, the IMCPI […]

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Labour-saving automation and occupational exposure: a text-similarity measure

This paper represents one of the first attempts at building a direct measure of occupational exposure to robotic labour-saving technologies. After identifying robotic and LS robotic patents retrieved by Montobbio et al. (2022), the underlying 4-digit CPC definitions are employed in order to detect functions and operations performed by technological artefacts which are more directed […]

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Vanishing social classes? Facts and figures of the Italian labour market

This paper analyses medium-term labour market trends from 1983 to 2018 in Italy relying on the “Rilevazione dei contratti di lavoro” from INPS archive which provides information on average salaries by professional category, age, gender, and geographical origin. Within an overall pattern of exacerbated inequalities, documented by means of different indicators, the empirical analysis highlights […]

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Big pharma and monopoly capitalism: A long-term view

Are IPRs institutions meant to foster innovative activities or conversely to secure appropriation and profitability? Taking stock of a long-term empirical evidence on the pharmaceutical sector in the US, we can hardly support IPRs intended as an innovation rewarding institution. According to our analysis, pharma patents have constituted legal barriers to protect intellectual monopolies rather […]

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A multiscale network-based model of contagion dynamics: heterogeneity, spatial distancing and vaccination

Lockdown and vaccination policies have been the major concern in the last year in order to contain the SARS-CoV-2 infection during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper we present a model able to evaluate alternative lockdown policies and vaccination strategies. Our approach integrates and refines the multiscale model proposed by Bellomo et al., 2020, analyzing […]

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From organizational capabilities to corporate performances: at the roots of productivity slowdown

This paper is one of the first attempts at empirically identifying organizational capabilities – in this work concerning Italian firms. Together, it proposes new evidence on the link between capabilities and economic performances. In order to do so, we employ the Indagine Multiscopo del Censimento Permanente delle Imprese (IMCPI), a survey carried out by the […]

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