Demetrio Guzzardi, Elisa Palagi, Andrea Roventini and Alessandro Santoro

Author Archive | Demetrio Guzzardi, Elisa Palagi, Andrea Roventini and Alessandro Santoro


Reconstructing Income Inequality in Italy: New Evidence and Tax Policy Implications from Distributional National Accounts

This work reconstructs novel series on income distribution in Italy combining survey data, tax data and National Accounts both at the national and regional levels, and it analyzes the overall progressivity of the tax system. Our new Distributional National Accounts allow to correct for remarkable misreporting of capital income in surveys, to provide more accurate […]

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Do patents really foster innovation in the pharmaceutical sector? Results from an evolutionary, agent-based model

The role of the patent system in the pharmaceutical sector is highly debated also due to its strong public health implications. In this paper we develop an evolutionary, agent-based model of the pharmaceutical industry to explore the impact of different configurations of the patent system upon innovation and competition. The model is able to replicate […]

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An agent-based model of trickle-up growth and income inequality

We build an agent-based model to study how coordination failures, credit constraints and unequal access to investment opportunities affect inequality and aggregate income dynamics. The economy is populated by households who can invest in alternative projects associated with different productivity growth rates. Access to investment projects also depends on credit availability. The income of each […]

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