Fabio Vanni and David Lambert

Author Archive | Fabio Vanni and David Lambert


On the regularity of human mobility patterns at times of a pandemic

The study of human mobility patterns is a crucially important research field for its impact on several socio-economic aspects and, in particular, the measure of regularity patters of human mobility can provide a across-the-board view of many social distancing variables in epidemics such as: human movement trends, physical interpersonal distances and population density. We will […]

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Epidemic response to physical distancing policies and their impact on the outbreak risk

We introduce a theoretical framework that highlights the impact of physical distancing variables such as human mobility and physical proximity on the evolution of epidemics and, crucially, on the reproduction number. In particular, in response to the coronavirus disease (CoViD-19) pandemic, countries have introduced various levels of ’lockdown’ to reduce the number of new infections. […]

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